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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Report in Greece

Confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Greece. Data provided by the Ministry of Health.

Greek Version

Nationwide Situation | Vaccine Uptake | Age distribution | Predictions | Prefectures | Map

EODY, the organization that has the primary responsibility for informing the public on the pandemic, decided in the midst of a new outbreak, that the epidemiological report will from now on be published on a weekly basis. In particular, until Sunday 10/07, when ISO week 27 of the year ends, the daily report will be published as usual. On Tuesday (12/7) the first weekly report will be published. It is noted that, on Monday there will be no daily report due to the start of the following week (ISO 28)

Vaccination Uptake

By age group

Data source: ECDC. The data refers to the vaccinations for which the age of the vaccinated is known and confirmed. READ MORE


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By age group (fully vaccinated)

Data source: ECDC. The data refers to the vaccinations for which the age of the vaccinated is known and confirmed. READ MORE


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Percentage distribution (fully vaccinated)

Data source: ECDC. The data refers to the vaccinations for which the age of the vaccinated is known and confirmed. READ MORE


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